Data Structures in Elixir

The following was originally part of a presentation I did at the Elixir Melbourne meetup on the 19th May, 2022


In functional languages we often program declaratively

Declarative programming favors immutability - this means that:

In the following presentation we'll be covering three main data structures in Elixir:

How do we make immutable data performant?

A naive way to implement immutable data is just to copy the entire piece of data every time we need to change it

The problem with this is that we get O(n) given the length of the list n

This is why we need persistent data structures

Persistent data structures

Persistent data structures are immutable, but can reuse old parts of itself when modified (through structural sharing)

Persistent Lists in Elixir

In Erlang/Elixir, the list is implemented using a linked list, rather than an array as you'd see in imperative languages like Python or C

Difference between Linked List and an Array

In a singly linked list:

So why don’t we use an Array to implement the persistent list?

Linked list operations: adding an element

a = [1, 2, 3] b = [0 | a]

in memory, a might look something like this

Modifying the first element

What can we do with this knowledge ?

Let's reason about the ++ operator

The ++ operator

When you call C = A ++ B, under the hood the left side A is copied, and then the last node is pointed to the list on the right

a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6]

So we can see here that the main cost of this operation is in the copying of the first list, A.

In general, the time complexity is O(n) where n is the length of the first list.

Let’s keep that in mind as we go through an example using this operator, to see how we can use this operator optimally.

Reversing a list

Naive solution

defmodule Reverse do # A body recursive implementation def naive_reverse([head | tail]) do reverse_tail = naive_reverse(tail) new_head = [head] IO.write(inspect(reverse_tail)) IO.write(" ++ ") IO.inspect(new_head) IO.inspect("-----------------") result = reverse_tail ++ new_head result end def naive_reverse([]) do [] end end Reverse.naive_reverse([1, 2, 3, 4])

Better solution

defmodule Reverse do def better_reverse([head | tail], acc) do reverse_tail = acc new_head = [head] IO.write(inspect(new_head)) IO.write(" ++ ") IO.inspect(reverse_tail) IO.inspect("-----------------") better_reverse(tail, new_head ++ reverse_tail) end def better_reverse([], acc) do acc end end Reverse.better_reverse([1, 2, 3, 4], [])
defmodule Reverse do def even_better_reverse(list, acc \\ []) def even_better_reverse([head | tail], acc) do even_better_reverse(tail, [head | acc]) end def even_better_reverse([], acc) do acc end end Reverse.even_better_reverse([1, 2, 3, 4])
Operation Time Complexity
Access O(n)
Search O(n)
Insertion O(1) for pre-pending, otherwise O(n)
Deletion O(1) if first element, otherwise O(n)

As you can see, Linked Lists are really good for insertion, but not so great for access/search


a = {a, 42, :ok}

looks something like this in memory

This means that we have

Operation Time Complexity
Access O(1)
Search O(n)
Insertion O(n)
Deletion O(n)

So they’re really good for reading, but not so great for creating, inserting and deleting.

This means that they are ideal when you have small list of values that need be accessed quickly This makes sense when you see where they are commonly used, like in function returns as well as pattern matching

{:ok, 1}

When to use lists vs tuples?

Persistent Maps


Maps with <32 keys

As an example, let us look at how the map %{a => foo, z => bar} is represented:

m = %{ "a" => "foo", "z" => "bar", 3 => nil, 4 => nil, 5 => nil, 6 => nil, 7 => nil, 8 => nil, 9 => nil, 10 => nil, 11 => nil, 12 => nil, 13 => nil, 14 => nil, 15 => nil, 16 => nil, 17 => nil, 18 => nil, 19 => nil, 20 => nil, 21 => nil, 22 => nil, 23 => nil, 24 => nil, 25 => nil, 26 => nil, 27 => nil, 28 => nil, 29 => nil, 30 => nil, 31 => nil, 32 => nil } m |> Map.keys()

How come the "a" and "z" keys are at the end though?

ok, but what happens if we have > 32 keys ...

m = %{ 1 => nil, 2 => nil, 3 => nil, 4 => nil, 5 => nil, 6 => nil, 7 => nil, 8 => nil, 9 => nil, 10 => nil, 11 => nil, 12 => nil, 13 => nil, 14 => nil, 15 => nil, 16 => nil, 17 => nil, 18 => nil, 19 => nil, 20 => nil, 21 => nil, 22 => nil, 23 => nil, 24 => nil, 25 => nil, 26 => nil, 27 => nil, 28 => nil, 29 => nil, 30 => nil, 31 => nil, 32 => nil, 33 => nil } m |> Map.keys()

What happened? This is because when we exceed 32 keys, Maps become implemented using a different data structure, the Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) so it is no longer sorted.

A number of other functional languages also use this data structure to implement their Map (e.g Scala, Clojure)

Maps with > 32 keys with the HAMT (Hash Array Mapped Tree)


This is where Hashing comes in


Hashing gives us an alternative "key" to use to insert into the Trie

The advantage of this is:

Lets say that we're inserting A = %{"elmo" => "cute", "elixir" => "awesome"}

defmodule HashHelper do def pad_with_zeroes(binary) do case {binary, String.length(binary)} do {_, 32} -> binary {binary, _} -> pad_with_zeroes("0" <> binary) end end def partition_hash(hash) do for <<hashed_partition::binary-2 <- hash>>, do: hashed_partition end def hash(key) do IO.inspect(:erlang.phash2(key)) # I reverse the string here because I realized I did the diagram the wrong way around after I generated this data .. :erlang.phash2(key) |> :erlang.integer_to_binary(2) |> pad_with_zeroes() |> String.reverse() |> String.slice(-8, 8) end end "elmo" |> HashHelper.hash() |> IO.inspect(label: "hash(elmo) ") "elixir" |> HashHelper.hash() |> IO.inspect(label: "hash(elixir)") "elsa" |> HashHelper.hash() |> IO.inspect(label: "hash(elsa)")

Technically, we could just insert them like this,

But this means that the tree becomes really deep, as it will take 8 steps each time to reach a leaf

To create wider trees, we can split them into 2 bit sections

"elmo" |> HashHelper.hash() |> HashHelper.partition_hash() |> IO.inspect(label: "hash(elmo) ") "elixir" |> HashHelper.hash() |> HashHelper.partition_hash() |> IO.inspect(label: "hash(elixir)") "elsa" |> HashHelper.hash() |> HashHelper.partition_hash() |> IO.inspect(label: "hash(elsa)")

Cloning a HAMT

We can easily clone by pointing the new variable to the head of the new variable to the same object

a = %{"elmo" => "cute", "elixir" => "awesome"} b = a

Adding to a HAMT

Say we wanted to add the key value pair "elsa" => "princess" to A

a = %{"elmo" => "cute", "elixir" => "awesome"} b = Map.put(a, "elsa", "princess") a |> IO.inspect()
c = %{a: 1}

So in this way, the Hash array mapped trie can effectively use old data structures when creating new ones, without mutating the old data structures

Actual implementation in Erlang

Below is the implementation of the get for the Map implementation in Erlang's OTP with some comments for my own understanding and reference. Source link here

// hx is the hashed key const Eterm * erts_hashmap_get(Uint32 hx, Eterm key, Eterm node) { /* thing_word tagscheme * Need two bits for map subtags * * Original HEADER representation: * * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaatttt00 arity:26, tag:4 * * For maps we have: * * vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv aaaaaaaamm111100 val:16, arity:8, mtype:2 * * unsure about trailing zeros * * map-tag: * 00 - flat map tag (non-hamt) -> val:16 = #items * 01 - map-node bitmap tag -> val:16 = bitmap * 10 - map-head (array-node) -> val:16 = 0xffff * 11 - map-head (bitmap-node) -> val:16 = bitmap */ // hval is any one of the map-tag values above // if 0xffff, it is an array node /* erl_map.h stuff */ Eterm *ptr, hdr, *res; Uint ix, lvl = 0; Uint32 hval, bp; ASSERT(is_boxed(node)); // node is a pointer ptr = boxed_val(node); // dereferences the pointer to get the header value hdr = *ptr; ASSERT(is_header(hdr)); ASSERT(is_hashmap_header_head(hdr)); ptr++; // NOTE: Infinite loop for (;;) { hval = MAP_HEADER_VAL(hdr); // hx is the hashed key // hashmap_index scopes hx to the current last 4 bits ix = hashmap_index(hx); // ix stores the index (ix corresponds to the ith element) // If we are not in an array node, i.e we are in a bitmap if (hval != 0xffff) { // bp is 100000... where its length is ix // you can use this to get the ith value of hval by doing bp & hval // hval here is the bitmap // so we are checking whether the ith value of the bitmap is set // if it isn't set then we return null since the next node does not exist bp = 1 << ix; if (!(bp & hval)) { /* not occupied */ res = NULL; break; } // If we're here, that means that the next value does indeed exist, from our hashed key // hval & (bp - 1) first filters the bitmask to only contain bits to the right of our bit at the ix'th index // we then count the number of bits to get the index of the array node that contains the pointer to the next node ix = hashmap_bitcount(hval & (bp - 1)); } // Go to the next node node = ptr[ix + 1]; // If our new node is a list, then the pointer is actually pointing to a key value pair // If our original key is equal to the key stored at the pointer, then return the value // Otherwise, we have a mismatch, return NULL if (is_list(node)) { /* LEAF NODE [K|V] */ ptr = list_val(node); res = EQ(CAR(ptr), key) ? &(CDR(ptr)) : NULL; break; } // Our levels go from 0 to 7 (inclusive) since we look at 4 bits each time. // Since our level is never changed in this function, we always shift by 4 // #define hashmap_shift_hash(Hx, Lvl, Key) \ // (((++(Lvl)) & 7) ? \ // (Hx) >> 4 : \ // make_map_hash(Key, ((Lvl) >> 3))) // we shift by 3 at the last level since base 16 has hx = hashmap_shift_hash(hx, lvl, key); ASSERT(is_boxed(node)); ptr = boxed_val(node); hdr = *ptr; ASSERT(is_header(hdr)); ASSERT(!is_hashmap_header_head(hdr)); } return res; }


Operation Time Complexity
Access O(log n)
Search O(log n)
Insertion O(n) for < 32 elements, O(log n) for >= 32 elements [2]
Deletion O(n) for < 32 elements, O(log n) for >= 32 elements

Since we have a Trie data structure, most things like insertion and deletion take O(log_32(n))

This isn’t too bad though as our Trie’s depth is limited to the hash length / section length, which is usually around 7-8

In practice, it is almost as performant as the regular old HashTable that allows O(n) access


Diving into the implementations of data structures in Elixir was really interesting! I'd always have a nagging thought that I didn't really understand what was happening beneath the surface when coding, so it was a bit of a relief to finally gain some understanding of how these common data structures work in Elixir!

Please let me know if you spot any issues/incorrect statements in what i've written above!^^

